Etiquette for Gentlemen, Or, Short Rules And Reflections for Conduct in ...

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Etiquette for Gentlemen, Or, Short Rules And Reflections for Conduct in ...
A Gentleman
The book Etiquette for Gentlemen, Or, Short Rules And Reflections for Conduct in ... was written by author Here you can read free online of Etiquette for Gentlemen, Or, Short Rules And Reflections for Conduct in ... book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Etiquette for Gentlemen, Or, Short Rules And Reflections for Conduct in ... a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Etiquette for Gentlemen, Or, Short Rules And Reflections for Conduct in ... book?
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One acquires from them an elegance in one's manners as well as one's ex- pressions. Their kindness pardons every error, and to instruct or reprove, their acts tre so deli- cate that the lesson which they give, always without oflfending, is sure to be profitable, though it may be often unperceived.
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Women observe all the delicacies of propriety: m manners, and all the diades of unpropriety^ much better than men; not only because they attend to them
... earlier and longer^ but becausd their perceptions are more refined than those of the other sex, who are habitually employed about greater thiQgs. Women divine, rather thaa arrive at, proper conclusiona The whims and c^rices of women in sociefy should of course be tolerated by men, who them- qelves require toleration for greater inconvMii^ ^Mses. But this must not be carried too ftr« Theite are certain limits to empire which, if they, tbiemselves forgeU should be^ pointed out to them with delicacy and politeness.

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