Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities book 3)

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The book Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities book 3) was written by author Here you can read free online of Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities book 3) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities book 3) a good or bad book?
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Grady shouted, grabbing Sophie’s free hand and starting a tug-of-war. “If you don’t let go of my daughter right now, I will make you cut off your own arm.”
    “Your mind tricks don’t work on us,” King Dimitar sneered.
    “Don’t they?” Grady narrowed his eyes, and the King dropped Sophie’s hand and punched himself in the nose—hard.
    Dark maroon streamed down his face as the king screamed, “This is an act of war!”
    He lunged for Grady’s throat, but Grady narrowed his eyes again and King Di
...mitar froze like a statue, his vicious mouth barely moving enough to breathe.
    “All right—enough!” Councillor Emery shouted, pushing his way through the panicking crowd, followed by the rest of the Council and their furious bodyguards.
    When they reached Grady’s side, Councillor Terik squeezed Grady’s shoulder and told him, “You’ve made your point.”

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Everblaze (Keeper of the Lost Cities book 3)
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