Favorite Drives Around Gardner

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Favorite Drives Around Gardner
Charles Dana Burrage
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Gardner has many pleasant drives through the woods within and beyond her borders, and the stranger may safely take any road, confident that he will find beauties on every side ; dark woods inviting him to their cool recesses ; silvery streams reflect- ing the enchantments of the sylvan shades on their banks ; flowers in profiision on either hand, in all the colors of the rain- bow ; and from every hill-top views rivall- ing in magnificence the choicest and most For not even from famous Round Hi
...ll, in Northampton, looking down upon the wide Connecticut meadows, with the ribbon of the river winding through them, nor from the Pjerk- shire Hills around the I^enox bowl, nor from the Blue Hills of Milton, half lost in soft haze from the ocean, are there afforded such glorious and extensive views of hills, woods, lakes and mountains — the peculiar charm of the New England landscape — as those from our own (iard- ner hills.
Each drive has its special charm, however ; one l)ecause of a par- ticular view, another because the haunt of a rare wild flower that grows nowhere else, and others because of the stories of the deserted ' ' cellar- holes " by the wa}', marking the sites of ancient homesteads.

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