Forge Practice Elementary

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This is the proper heat at which to harden that particular kind of steel, and is called the ' ' hardening heat. " If the experimenting be continued it will be seen that each additional increase of temperature, above the hardening heat, increases the coarseness of the grain and makes the steel very brittle, indicating that the steel, when hardened at these higher heats, grows coarser and less fine in texture, and, conse- quently, is not as strong, and will not hold as good a cutting edge, as if ...hardened at the proper ' ' hard- ening" heat.
The proper heat at which to harden any kind of steel is, as noted above, that particular heat that gives the steel the finest grain and leaves it file hard.
The two general laws of hardening are these : 1. The more carbon a steel contains the lower the heat at which it may be properly hardened.
2. The faster steel is cooled from the hardening heat the harder it becomes.
Tempering. Giving a piece of steel or a tool the proper degree of hardness to do the work for which it is intended is known as "tempering.

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