Glimmers of Change (2015)

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The book Glimmers of Change was written by author Here you can read free online of Glimmers of Change book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Glimmers of Change a good or bad book?
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The oppressive heat, even early in the morning, was almost more than he could bear. He wanted to claw at the humidity until it broke away from him, but it was useless to try to free himself from its cloying hold. It was his first time in the fourth largest city in America. He regretted it had to be in late July.
    The heat had demanded he rise early to have breakfast at a chic little restaurant down on the Mississippi. He had watched the busy port as he consumed a bowl of shrimp and grits, fol
...lowed by a beignet that had almost melted in his mouth. He might abhor the heat, but he had fallen in love with the delicate pastries covered with powdered sugar. The famous beignet had been one of the things leftover from French occupation after the city nearly burned to the ground in 1788. The colorful stucco buildings decorated with elaborate ironwork balconies and galleries that filled what was known as the French Quarter were primarily built by the Spanish during their brief ownership of the city, but the beignet had held on.

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