God is Good

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God is Good
George Shaw Cook
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20 GOD IS GOOD Mrs. Eddy once treated a woman who breathed with difficulty when the wind was in the east. After treating her a few moments the breathing became natural. The wind, however, continued to blow directly from the east. (See Science and Health, p. 184. ) This proves that it was not the direction of the wind but the belief about it that had made this woman's breathing difficult before she was relieved by Christian Science treatment. It is evident that such changes take place in conscio
...usness, and that the mental process which substitutes the correct idea for the mistaken belief and its supposed penalty is not at all affected by the state of the weather. This tends to show that real atmosphere is mental, or spiritual, as was indicated by Paul when he said, "For in him [Spirit or Mind] we live, and move, and have our being. " The beliefs about infection and contagion are con- stantly changing, but practically all physicians agree that a calm and fearless state of thought is a great protection to the individual in times of epidemic or threatened epidemic of disease.

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