Government Support of Industrial Research And Development the Israeli Experience

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Government Support of Industrial Research And Development the Israeli Experience
Samy S Ofri
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Ig Gc'vev riment RJ D ac t i V 1 1 i e-:: .. In 1968 l he Comuii t tee '' s recommendations were preserrted;. Arui subsequently approved in essence by the Governmerit^ The main hiqhliyhts of the Kachalski rommittee's recommevidat i ons were: 1) Ciianqing mi v^dsi-" iee ? whose duties bring them in conact witli technological R?);D » to define R?>:D needs an"ts l; • ti. N; 3 o is ..
3 The Office of the Chief Scientist e-?mbarld to take' advantage of the new op)poi turi t ie?s and challengees. Thi
...s process as a whole creates the trend for sophistication v-fhich raises the general level of education of ttie public n the?ir STononn c status and the qi. ;ality of life.
The pur pose of this faper is to d escribe in detail Israel's program of g ■:. ' V e r n m e n t s> u. P p o r t f o r i n d iJ. 5 1 t i 1 1 c:i n i r ! h i q h t e c \\ n o 1 o g y w 1 1 h h u g e c i.. I m p e n i e s i n t F i e wor Id mar ket .
Thie smiall local market reflects mianv disadvantages on Israeli industry: although in m^any case'-: it becc'mes a captive marl-et?

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