Gymnastic Stories And Plays for Primary Schools Physical Exercises for the Firs

Cover Gymnastic Stories And Plays for Primary Schools Physical Exercises for the Firs
Gymnastic Stories And Plays for Primary Schools Physical Exercises for the Firs
Rebecca Stoneroad
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Race Placing Bags in Piles. Page 75.
ON Christmas Eve Santa Glaus comes driving over the snow to the house-tops. He pulls in his galloping reindeer and alights from the sleigh. Before shouldering his pack, the little man rubs his hands together and jumps from one foot to the other to warm himself. The swift ride and great exertion make him take many quick deep breaths. After descending the chimney, the jo
...lly old fellow bends his head from right to left to read the names pinned on the side of the stockings, then taking from his pack presents for each, places them on the floor. Finally he climbs up the chimney by means of a rope and drives away.
I. Chest Stretching 8 Starting Position. Arms Horizontal in Front, Hands Closed.
Raise arms to a horizontal position in front with hands closed. Stretch the chest by pushing the elbows backward as far as possible with forearms close to the sides, as if pulling in reins.

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