History of Greek And Roman Philosophy And Science

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History of Greek And Roman Philosophy And Science
Caroline Nelson
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Paris, 1823. Creuzer and Moser. Francof. 1826. Subsidia : Wolf. Obss. Critt. In M. Tull. Cic. Oratt. Pro Scauro et pro Tullio, et librorum de Rep. Fragm. 1824. Zacharia Staatswissenschaftliche Betrachtungen iiber Ciceros neu aufgefandenes Werk vom Staate. Heidelb. 1823. DE LEGIBUS. Ed. Princ. In the Philosophical Works. Sweynheym and Pannartz. Romas, 1471. Davis. Cantab. 1727, 1728. Gorenz. Lips. 1809. Moser and Creuzer. Francof. 1824. Bake. Lugd. Bat. 1842. 3. MORAL PHILOSOPHY : DE OFFICIIS. E...d. Princ. With the Paradoxa. Fust and Schoffer. Mainz. 1465 and 1466. One without date or name, but supposed to be from the press of Ulrich Zell. Colon. 1469. Another, generally referred to the following year, supposed to be by Ulrich Han, of Rome. Sweynheym and Pannartz. Romse, 1469. Vindelin de Spira. Venet. 1470. Eggesteyn. Strasb. 1470. Heusinger. Brunsv. 1783. Gernhard. Lips. 1811. Beier. Lips. 1820, 1821. Subsidia : Buscher, Ethicse Ciceronianse libri ii. Hamb. 1610. Rath. Cic. De Officiis in brevi conspectu.

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