History of Minnehaha County South Dakota Containing An Account of Its Settleme

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History of Minnehaha County South Dakota Containing An Account of Its Settleme
Dana Reed Bailey
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, worked on a farm one year, and then was employed one year by the Rev. Jonathan Knox, president of Knox colleg-e. In the fall of 1865, he went to Fremont, Neb. , and from there to Sioux City, where he was employed to carry the mail between that point and Fort Randall. During- the spring- and sum- mer of 1861 he rode a mule, with two mail-bag-s as companions, back and forth a distance of one hundred and forty miles. In the fall of 1861, was employed by Surveyor Moses K. Armstrong- in surveying-.... In February, 1862, enlisted in Company A, Dakota Cavalry, and the following- summer was stationed at Sioux Falls until the Indian mas- sacre in Minnesota, when the company was ordered to Yankton. He served three years and three months in the cavalry, and during- this time the company was eng-ag-ed in protecting- the small settlements on the upper Missouri, and went with the Sully expedition across the Yellowstone. After being mustered out, he went to Chickasaw county, Iowa, and remained a \^ear, and then went to Sioux City where he was employed in the quartermaster's department until fall.

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