History of the Springfield Baptist Association With Sketches of the Churches O

Cover History of the Springfield Baptist Association With Sketches of the Churches O
History of the Springfield Baptist Association With Sketches of the Churches O
Edwin Sawyer Walker
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The North Baptist Church of Springfield, constituted May 29th, 1860, was received as a member of the Association.
The Committee on reception of new churches, recom- mended that the Sangamon Bottom Church be received again into this Association, it having recently effected a new organization.
The time for holding the Annual Meeting of the Asso- ciation, was changed to the Friday preceding the first Sunday in September.
Piev. W. S. Goodno, who was appointed at the last ses- sion to prepare a Hist
...ory of this Association, reported that he had done nothing toward such History, and asked to be excused from further duty as Historian.
On motion, M. Brayman was appointed to write the History of the Association, as by resolution adopted last session.
The Committee on Eesolutions reported as follows : ''Resolved, That all the religious societies sustained by our denomination, are benevolent in their tendencies and object, and calculated, by the blessing of God, to relieve Baptist Association. 59 and elevate our common humanity, and advance the inter- ests of the Redeemer's Kingdom.

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