Home Vegetable Gardening; a Complete And Practical Guide to the Planting And Care of All Vegetables, Fruits And Berries Worth Growing for Home Use

Cover Home Vegetable Gardening; a Complete And Practical Guide to the Planting And Care of All Vegetables, Fruits And Berries Worth Growing for Home Use
The book Home Vegetable Gardening; a Complete And Practical Guide to the Planting And Care of All Vegetables, Fruits And Berries Worth Growing for Home Use was written by author Here you can read free online of Home Vegetable Gardening; a Complete And Practical Guide to the Planting And Care of All Vegetables, Fruits And Berries Worth Growing for Home Use book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Home Vegetable Gardening; a Complete And Practical Guide to the Planting And Care of All Vegetables, Fruits And Berries Worth Growing for Home Use a good or bad book?
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" In practically every instance the varieties mentioned have been grownby the author, but his recommendations are by no means based uponpersonal experience alone. Wherever introductions of recent years haveproved to be actual improvements upon older varieties, they are givenin preference to the old, which are, of course, naturally much betterknown.
It is impossible for any person to pick out this, that or the othervariety of a vegetable and label it unconditionally "the best. " But theperson wh
...o wants to save time in making out his seed list can dependupon the following to have been widely tested, and to have "made good. " _Asparagus:_--While there are enthusiastic claims put forth forseveral of the different varieties of asparagus, as far as I have seenany authentic record of tests (Bulletin 173, N. J. Agr. Exp. Station), the prize goes to Palmetto, which gave twenty-eight per cent. More thanits nearest rival, Donald's Elmira. Big yield alone is frequently norecommendation of a vegetable to the home gardener, but in thisinstance it does make a big difference; first, because Palmetto isequal to any other asparagus in quality, and second, because theasparagus bed is producing only a few weeks during the gardeningseason, and where ground is limited, as in most home gardens, it isimportant to cut this waste space down as much as possible.

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