Hostage Tower (2010)

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The book Hostage Tower was written by author Here you can read free online of Hostage Tower book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Hostage Tower a good or bad book?
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Mike was half-crouching, side on to Claude, in a classic judo stance to present as small a target as possible. Claude stood ramrod straight, hands sloping downwards at thirty degrees from his body, fingers extended, his poise and strength going into the preparation needed for the jump-kick which is the hallmark of the savate fighter.
    All the light they had was the dim glow from the first level, the moon, and the phosphorescent haze that every city throws up. The first stabbing kick came from
... nowhere, too fast for Mike even to sense, though he ducked in anticipation. It landed on the upper part of his right arm, and Graham felt like he’d been injected with a road drill.
    He hissed out his pain and leapt back on to the platform. The wind rose to mock him, whipping his hair over his eyes, and causing him to raise both arms as if he were fending off demons attacking him from every direction. But there was only one demon, and he was right in front of Graham, dancing in again, seeking for the one solid death kick that would put the contest beyond argument.

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