How to Sing

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How to Sing
Lehmann Lilli
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The Germans surpass the others in their power of expressiveness. But he who would have the right to call himself an artist must unite all these things; the hd canto, that is, beautiful — I might say good — singing, and all the means of expression which we cultivated people need to interpret master ITALIAN AND GERAIAN 225 works of great mindS; should afford the public ennobling pleasure.
A tone full of life is to be produced only by the skilful mixture of the vowels, that is, the unceasing leani of one upon the others, without, however, affecting any of its charac- teristics. This means, in reality, only the complete use of the resonance of the breath, since the mixture of the vowels can be ob- tained only through the elastic conjimction of the organs and the varying division of the stream of breath toward the palatal reso- nance, or that of the cavities of the head, or the equalization of the two.
The Isjynx must rise and descend tmim- peded by the tongue, soft palate and pillars of the fauces rise and sink, the soft palate al- ways able more or less to press close to the hard.

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