If I Should Die Before I Die

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The book If I Should Die Before I Die was written by author Here you can read free online of If I Should Die Before I Die book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is If I Should Die Before I Die a good or bad book?
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the Counselor said, standing at his desk in his shirtsleeves and glaring down at the morning’s Wall Street Journal. “I was wrong, Phil. I was goddamn wrong.”
He’d called for me first thing, and I was surprised to see him in shirtsleeves and suspenders that early. Usually he came downstairs as dapper as the Counselor’s Wife’s tastes could make him, all the way to a matching handkerchief tucked in the lapel pocket of his suit coat, and it took at least a few hours for disarray to set in. This morn
...ing, though, the suit coat had been flung over a nearby chair, the bow tie was already lopsided and his shirtsleeves folded a couple of times over his forearms and then abandoned.
He was, to put it simply, in a towering rage.
“Myrna!” he shouted at Ms. Shapiro through the open door. “I want McClintock! I want him right now!”
And when, moments later, Ms. Shapiro stuck her head in to say that Mr. McClintock was in a meeting: “I don’t care if he’s meeting with God, Myrna, tell them to get him on the phone!”

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