Indian Co Operative Studies

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Indian Co Operative Studies
Robert Benson Ewbank
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What has been said above sufficiently indicates the essen- tial character of a society which is truly co-operative. There are only two essentials. They are — (1) The society must be comprehensive in spirit, not exclusive.
(2) It must be a consumers' society, managed by consumers for consumers. The consumers must take the responsibility, must stand the risks, must be a real and effective governing body, actually controlling the paid servants who do the execu- tive work, and the profits must go t
...o them.
When I say the society must be comprehensive in spirit, that does not necessarily mean that it must have no rules res- tricting membership. A geographical boundary is unobjection- able in principle if it provides that people living on one side of the boundary are eligible for membership of one society, and those living on the other side eligible for another. So also special societies may be properly formed in connection with a particular firm with membership restricted to the employees of that firm and the members of their families.

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