Indian Ghost Stories

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This famous doctor was once sent for to treat a gentleman at Agra. Thisgentleman was a rich Marwari who was suffering from indigestion. Whenthe doctor reached Agra he was lodged in very comfortable quarters and anumber of horses and carriages was placed at his disposal.
He was informed that the patient had been treated by all the local andprovincial practitioners but without any result.
The doctor who was as clever a man of the world as of medicine, at oncesaw that there was really nothing the
...matter with the patient. He wasreally suffering from a curious malady which could in a phrase becalled--"want of physical exercise. " Agra, the city after which the Province is named, abounds in oldmagnificent buildings which it takes the tourist a considerable time tosee, and the Doctor, of course, was enjoying all the sights in themeantime.
He also prescribed a number of medicines which proved of no avail. TheDoctor had anticipated it, and so he had decided what medicine he wouldprescribe next.

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