Infant Feeding And Its Influence On Life Or the Causes And Prevention of Infan

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Infant Feeding And Its Influence On Life Or the Causes And Prevention of Infan
C H F Charles Henry Felix Routh
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This effect is stated to be due to the great control this food ex- ercises over gastric and intestinal disturbances through its alkaline prop- erties. ' The remarks made by Dr. Hassall on this preparation of Liebig's are very instructive: " In the preparation of it, the two principal objects at which Liebig aimed were, 1st, to produce a food which should resemble human milk in the relative proportions of the heat-giving and flesh-form- ing constituents; and 2d, to reduce it to the state most of digestion.
" It should be clearly understood, however, that the formula given by Liebig, although it furnishes an article about the same relative composi- tion as human milk, is yet of twice its strength, or, to use the words of Liebig himself, it contains the ' double concentration of woman's milk, ' and therefore there is reason to believe that in some cases the food may prove too rich for the infant's stomach, and may require dilution.
"It appears to me that the great merit of Liebig's preparation consists in the use of malt as a constituent of the food.

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