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The book Inferno was written by author Here you can read free online of Inferno book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Inferno a good or bad book?
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Duncan tried to make light of the serious situation as he ushered them into Dante’s car. Luckily they’d taken the big Mercedes tonight in anticipation of having a few ladies with them later. How differently things had turned out from their original plan.
All they’d wanted was a night of carousing and good fun. It had changed in an instant. Two instants, actually—the first being the arrival of the sexy little were wolf and the second, the subsequent attack by a mysterious blonde in a hot car. Dun
...can wondered if the two events were somehow related. He wasn’t a big believer in coincidence.
The wolf girl had secrets. There was no doubt of it in his mind. Was she in league with the woman who’d just lobbed killing blows from fifteen yards out? That was powerful sorcery, and it had been aimed directly at Dante.
If the two women were working together, why would Megan put herself in the path of danger to save his life? Or was a more elaborate ruse yet to unfold?
Duncan would keep watch, as was his duty, and try to keep an open mind.

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