James Manners Little John And Their Dog Bluff

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The man has a gen- teel appearance. Surely he muft be reduced to great neceflity. We will ftep into the office, Richard, and hear his examination.
MAGISTRATE. Who accufes the pr; r ~>ner?
BAKER. I do, Sir.
MAGIS. What has he done?
BAKER. Robbed my bafket, in the open ftreet.
MAGIS. Did you fee him do it?
BAKER. No, Sir.
MAGIS. How do you know, then, that he did it?
BAKER. Pleafe your worfhip, I had to take a loaf into Collar- court, JAMES MANNERS. 35 court, fo I fet my bafket down in the ftreet
..., while I went with it. I knew how many loaves I left in the bafket, but, on my return, I found one gone : a gentleman, that flood by, informed me, that the prifoner had carried it off into a houfe, to which he direfted me.
MA GIS, Where is the perfon who faw the robbery committed?
MA GIS. Are you certain that you faw the prifoner take a loaf out of the baker's bafket ?
GENT. Yes, Sir; I have no doubt of the faft. As I was walk- ing on the oppofite fide of the ftreet, I faw the prifoner, foon after the baker had left his bafket, go up to it, 36 JAMES MANNERS.

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