John Wycliff Last of the Schoolmen And First of the English Reformers

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The book John Wycliff Last of the Schoolmen And First of the English Reformers was written by author Here you can read free online of John Wycliff Last of the Schoolmen And First of the English Reformers book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is John Wycliff Last of the Schoolmen And First of the English Reformers a good or bad book?
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I see the physical body of Christ, wearing the shape of bread ; but it is only because of my infirmity that it 1380] The Decisive Step. 229 seems to be what it is not seems to be wheaten bread when it is actually and really my Lord and God. " To Wyclif, even as a young man, this savoured of idolatry. In vain his friends would assure him that it was no idolatry, but the very sublimity of faith. " I grant, " he began by saying, " that the substance is altered. The ' hoc est corpus . Enables me to... see the body of Christ a spiritual body, seen with spiritual eyes. But what, then, do I see with my physical sight ? I am a realist ; I see a body, with attributes and mathematical dimensions but what body ? No longer a mathematical body, you say, if the consecration has annihilated all the mathemati- cal and physical qualities of wheaten bread ? Then I cannot tell you what the body is, but sure I am that a body is there. To say that it is physically God is idolatry. To say, as some of us do, that what I see and handle are accidents without a sub- ject is only another way of saying that the ' hoc est corpus, ' which made Christ visible to the eye of faith, also made that wheaten bread into something infi- nitely inferior in the scale of nature lower than the peasant's bean-bread, lower than the soil in which the grain of wheat germinated ; for they have substance as well as accidents, but this unhappy phenomenon retains its accidents after losing its substance.

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