Kindergarten Stories And Morning Talks

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Can any little boy or girl tell how all these white lines could have been colored purple } A copper roller would have been cut full of little holes, just like these white lines and dots, and purple paste would have been put in the holes, and the cloth run be- tween this roller and a smooth one.
Of course the calico gets wet with all this colored paste ; but as fast as it comes from between the rollers, it is carried by a large roller into a room kept so hot that nobody can go into it, where it
...dries very fast, and the heat makes the colors stay in the cloth. This hot room has glass sides, and people can look in and see the calico coming in at the floor, and going out at the roof, as fast as it rolls from the copper cylinders below. All the time the strips of calico are kept smooth and straight, for they are not cut into pieces until they are perfectly dry ; then a woman tends a machine which folds the calico into pieces 128 STORIES AND MORNING TAIKS.
that are cut off and pressed into the neat packages which you see on the shelves of the stores.

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Kindergarten Stories And Morning Talks
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