Labor And the Employer

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The book Labor And the Employer was written by author Here you can read free online of Labor And the Employer book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Labor And the Employer a good or bad book?
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In regard to the problem of unemployment the Federation proposes to shorten the workday of the employees, that they may share with the unem- ployed the work that is to be performed, and thereby tend con- stantly toward the elimination of unemployment. The American workman refuses to regard unemployment as a permanent evil attending the industrial and economic forces of our country.
The American workmen propose to share work with those who are unemployed and thereby to help to find work for the
...unem- ployed.
The A. F. of L. encourages and stimulates the workmen in their efforts to secure a constantly increasing share in the prod- ucts of labor, an increasing share in the consumption and use of things produced, thereby giving employment to thei unemployed, the only effective way by which that can be done. . . .
The Federation has not declared itself in regard to the estab- lishment of employment bureaus and the loaning of money, with- out interest, to States and municipalities for the purpose of carrying on public works, but it favors any tangible, rational purpose that would help to meet and solve the question of unem- ployment.

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