Legends of the Valley Or Thrilling Incidents Connected With Indian Warfare

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Legends of the Valley Or Thrilling Incidents Connected With Indian Warfare
James H Mcmechen
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The firing was heavy and incessant until dark, when it ceased, and both armies lay on their arms during the night. Both adopt- ed the policy of kindling large fires along the line of battle, aud then re- tiring some distance in the rear of them, to prevent being surprised by a night attack. During the conflict of the afternoon three of our men were killed and several wounded.
In the morning Colonel Crawford's army occupied the battle ground of the preceding day. The Indians made no attack durin
...g the day, un- til late in the evening, but were seen in large bodies traversing the plains in various directions. Some of them appeared to be carrying off the dead and wounded.
In the morning of this day a council of officers was held, and a retreat CRAWFORD'S CAMPAIGN. 35 was resolved on, as the only means of saving the army, the Indians ap- pearing to increase in number every hour.
During the day preparations were made for a retreat, by burying the dead, burning fires over the graves to prevent discovery, and preparing means for carrying off the wounded.

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