Letters And Addresses of Abraham Lincoln

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174 OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN [Letter to E. Stafford. Springfield, Illinois, 17 March I860.] Dear Sir: Reaching home on the 14th instant, I found yours of the 1st. Thanking you very sincerely for your kind purposes toward me, I am compelled to say the money part of the arrangement you propose is, with me, an impossibility.
I could not raise ten thousand dollars if it would save me from the fate of John Brown. Nor have my friends, so far as I know, yet reached the point of staking any money on my chanc
...es of success. I wish I could tell you better things, but it is even so.
[Letter to Samuel Galloway. Chicago, 24 March I860.] My dear Sir: I am here attending a trial in court. Be- fore leaving home I received your kind letter of the 15th.
Of course I am gratified to know I have friends in Ohio who are disposed to give me the highest evidence of their friendship and confidence. Mr. Parrott, of the legislature, had written me to the same effect. If I have any chance, it consists mainly in the fact that the whole opposition would vote for me, if nominated.

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