Letters From An American Farmer

Cover Letters From An American Farmer
Letters From An American Farmer
St. John De Crèvecoeur J. Hector
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This island has nothing deserving of notice but itsinhabitants; here you meet with neither ancient monuments, spacioushalls, solemn temples, nor elegant dwellings; not a citadel, nor anykind of fortification, not even a battery to rend the air with itsloud peals on any solemn occasion. As for their rural improvements, they are many, but all of the most simple and useful kind.
The island of Nantucket lies in latitude 41 degrees 10 minutes. 60miles S. From Cape Cod; 27 S. From Hyanes or Barnstabl
...e, a town onthe most contiguous part of the great peninsula; 21 miles E. By S. From Cape Pog, on the vineyard; 50 E. By S. From Wood's Hole, onElizabeth Island; 80 miles S. From Boston; 120 from Rhode Island;800 N. From Bermudas. Sherborn is the only town on the island, whichconsists of about 530 houses, that have been framed on the main;they are lathed and plastered within, handsomely painted and boardedwithout; each has a cellar underneath, built with stones fetchedalso from the main: they are all of a similar construction andappearance; plain, and entirely devoid of exterior or interiorornament.

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Letters From An American Farmer
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