Mammals Collected By the Swedish Zoological Expedition to British East Africa 1911

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AKABEMIEKS HANDLINGAB. BAND 48. N:0 5. 167 definite opinion about certain specimens. For instance, a typical head of 0. g. robertsi is very easy to recognize on its horns the tips of which point outwards and backward and thus have a great spread. Horns of 0. g. robertsi about which there could be no mistake I saw brought from Sotik. On the other hand it is not uncommon that a dispute arises whether a certain pair of horns shall be regarded as 0. g. granti, or G. g. robertsi, and I remember that... I have been in uncertainty myself about this when once called to settle a controversy on such a matter. This proves that there are intermediate links between these races.
The Grant Gazelle of the Athi plains near Nairobi, and in the southern Game- reserve belongs to the typical 0. g. granti, while 0. g. fetersi with more parallel horns, and the colour of the back reaching the root of the tail is found at lower Tana and Sabaki rivers, thus nearer the coast.
0. g. notata is said to live in the country »from the highlands southwards and south-eastwards of Lake Rudolf to the Guaso Nyiro- valley and Mount Kenya » (Ly- DEKKER 1.

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