Masks, With Jim's Beast, Tides, Among the Lions, the Reason, the House; One Act Plays of Contemporary Life

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The book Masks, With Jim's Beast, Tides, Among the Lions, the Reason, the House; One Act Plays of Contemporary Life was written by author Here you can read free online of Masks, With Jim's Beast, Tides, Among the Lions, the Reason, the House; One Act Plays of Contemporary Life book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Masks, With Jim's Beast, Tides, Among the Lions, the Reason, the House; One Act Plays of Contemporary Life a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Masks, With Jim's Beast, Tides, Among the Lions, the Reason, the House; One Act Plays of Contemporary Life book?
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The President tried to keep us out of it until we had to go in to save our self-respect. We had to go in to show we were men of honor, not pussy cats. We had to go in to show the world the Stars and Stripes wasn't a dishrag on which the Germans could dry their bloody hands!
Hilda {Gazing at him incredulously) You hate them as much as that?
Wallace Hate? No, mother, no. {As though questioning himself.) I really haven't any hate for the German people. People are just people everywhere, I suppose,
... and they're tricked and fooled by their rotten govern- ment, as the President says.
Hilda Then why fight them?
Wallace Because they're standing back of their government, doing what it says. And they've got to be licked to show them what kind of a government they have.
128 TIDES Hilda At least you have no hate in your heart — that's something.
Wallace Oh, yes, I have, mother. But it isn't for the poor devils I've got to shoot. It's for the stay-at-home fellow here in America who sits in a comfortable arm- chair, who applauds patriotic sentiment, cheers the flag and does nothing for his country but hate and hate — while we fight for him.

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