Mastering Lexie (Stronghold book 4)

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  Her silvery eyes narrowed at the same time as her usually lush lips thinned.  "Lexie belongs in the club, and you know it." "This has nothing to do with Lexie." "You're such a liar sometimes."  She let out a frustrated huff of air, the crop tapping at her calf a little faster.
 "Fine.  I'll take my punishment, for pointing out the obvious and calling you on your idiocy."  The tip of the crop came up to point directly at him.  "But you'd better not try to keep that girl out of the club anymore.
...  If I have to do Introduction scenes with mewling subbies, whom you know Lisa and Erin would prefer, then you have to follow your own damned rules and stop trying to block Lex from getting what she needs." He grinned.  It felt good, finally being one up on the Domme.  Not only had he already agreed to train Lexie, but Olivia was going to have to deal with her least favorite type of submissive.  The most recent male sub asking for an Introduction scene had indicated that he was eager to serve, enjoyed being humiliated and degraded, and that he would happily lick the boot of whatever Domme put one in front of his face.  Mistresses Lisa and Erin both liked their subs like that.  Olivia preferred the hard cases, the men who tended to have trouble admitting their submissive desires, the ones that needed a little extra encouragement to submit.  This Introduction scene was going to bore her out of her mind, but she was honor bound to make the submissive happy.  Which she would, even though it wasn’t her preferred type of scene.  Hell, half the time, when he gave her the eager-to-please subbies, they ended up begging her to serve her past the Introduction scene.  The fact that she was less interested in them only made them want her more.

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Mastering Lexie (Stronghold book 4)
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