Memoir of James Brainerd Taylor

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' Nevertheless, not my will. ' While I live, 1 would be 280 MEMOIR OF v/ell, that I might do the more for God. But he knows what is best, and that is best for mc.
" 5th. — Called on Miss W, who seems stronger, and yet stronger in the faith. From her testimony 1 believe she is a child of God. After much counsel I parted from lier, not expecting to see her again before she returns home. God Almighty protect her. God our Father keep her from the evil one, sanctify her wholly, and make her useful.
..." To this lamb of the flock of Christ, broughi into the fold by the blessing of God upon Mr. Taylor's labors, he w^rote the following letter of instructions and ex- hortation, \vhich not only shows how well he was qualified already for that holy office which he so ar- dently desired, but affords much that dem. Ands the at- tention of young converts, and may be useful to Chris- tians in every stage of their progress to heaven ; while it exhibits another trait of Mr, Taylor's character, viz. His tender solicitude that those who had been brought into the church through his instrumentality should be eminently pious : " Nassau-Hall, April 5, 1825.

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