Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal Anno Dom 1757

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Watts, to difclofe what were his real Opinions, and how very fhort a Space he thought was like to intervene, before the Suba took the Field once more, G agaiufl 82 MEMOIRS c/" againft the Engtijh. This Perfon had it far- ther in Commiffion to reprefent, that the Difaffedtion of the principal Officers, Civil and Military, was in a manner general j that Meer Jaffeir never appeared in the Suba's Prefence, without Fear of being affaffinated j and that for this Reafon, whenever he was conftrained to... go, he always caufed his Forces to be drawn out, under Arms, with his Son at their Head. In the Clofe of his Dif- courfe, he added, that a Determination was already taken, to depofe, for their own Sakes, Suraja Dowlat; and that if the Engtijh would engage with, and promife to fupport, another Perfon, in afTuming the Dignity of Suba, Rahim Caivn, Roydoolub, and BahadarAly Caivn, were ready to join Mcer Jaffa'?*, in removing Suraja Dow/at, whofe Affairs would be then in a very defperate Situation.

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