Miniatures And Moods

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Miniatures And Moods
G S George Slythe Street
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You cannot, therefore, 44 THE ATALANTIS * 45 say that you detect the woman when she hits unscrupulously and unmercifully, and praises with almost ludicrous forgetfulness. More- over, politics apart, the Atalantis is not peculi- arly feminine. It is not so much indecent (as you may have read) as sensual, and it appeals to the masculine and feminine sensualist pretty evenly. But if you cannot trace the woman in Mrs. Manley's work as a whole, her life was that of many of Eve's daughters in an impe...rfect society. She loved, and was abandoned, and then she abandoned herself. Whether in a perfect society the former abandonment will be unheard of, or the latter not an almost necessary consequence, who shall say ? Mary Manley was left by her father, Sir Robert, to the protection of her cousin, a very villain of melodrama, who went through a form of marriage with her (his wife being alive) and deserted her, having spent her fortune. This is her own account, and she says : ^ I had married ^ him, only because I thought he loved me; those ' that knew his person will easily believe that ' I was not in love with him.' You need hardly divest yourself of the moral attitude of your time to forgive this poor lady, if she lived afterwards more for pleasure than for virtue.

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