My Quest of the Arab Horse

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Be- fore the first inter- view was over I realized that we were a disappoint- m e n t to each other, and was secretly glad I had not ridden three days to see him, as glad, I imagine, as he was sorrv he had done so, though, of course, he was in duty bound to take the ride in honor of Akmet Haffez.
Perhaps, too, my dress had something to do with his disapj)ointment. I was looking shop- worn, to say the least, and he might have thought that I would be dressed like some of the foreign government ^r officials who [152] The Sheikh of all Sheikhs.
MEETING WITH HASHEM BEY often came to him to buy horses. We got along well, but never easily.
Finally I took a walk with Akmet Haffez, and when we were alone, except for Ameene, the interpreter, Haffez asked in a low voice how I liked the great Hashem Bey.
I looked at the old man's face to see if he was prepared for an honest answer, and see- ing that he wanted my candid opinion, I told him I was glad Hashem Bey had ridden three days instead of us.

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