My Summer in a Garden

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My Summer in a Garden
Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900
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What reading level is My Summer in a Garden book?
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The worms eat a noxious something in theground. The birds eat the worms. Calvin eats the birds. We eat--no, wedo not eat Calvin. There the chain stops. When you ascend the scale ofbeing, and come to an animal that is, like ourselves, inedible, youhave arrived at a result where you can rest. Let us respect the cat. Hecompletes an edible chain.
I have little heart to discuss methods of raising peas. It occurs tome that I can have an iron peabush, a sort of trellis, through whichI could discharge
...electricity at frequent intervals, and electrify thebirds to death when they alight: for they stand upon my beautifulbrush in order to pick out the peas. An apparatus of this kind, withan operator, would cost, however, about as much as the peas. A neighborsuggests that I might put up a scarecrow near the vines, which wouldkeep the birds away. I am doubtful about it: the birds are too muchaccustomed to seeing a person in poor clothes in the garden to care muchfor that. Another neighbor suggests that the birds do not open the pods;that a sort of blast, apt to come after rain, splits the pods, and thebirds then eat the peas.

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