Mystic Rider

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“Your mama will be up shortly to check on you, so show her how well you rest, ma petite.”
“Will Uncle Pierre have to go away like Mama said?” Anton asked gravely from the other bed, sounding much older than his five years.
She hated seeing the children grow up so quickly. They should have no more concerns than she’d had at that age. They should be chasing butterflies through the fields.
She remembered Ian’s talk of a country with no war and plenty for all, then reminded herself it had no dogs or
... horses either. No place was perfect.
“Perhaps for a while, little one, but Papa Alain will talk reason to people, and they will see this new law is wrong, and soon we will have Uncle Pierre back again.” She did not fear making such a promise. Her father could talk the sun from the sky given enough time.
“Will you sing to us, please?” Marie asked.
“Yes,” Anton agreed, snuggling beneath the linens. “I sleep good when you sing.”
“Close your eyes, then. And I will sing of rocking horses to fill your dreams.”

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