Nine Layers of Sky (2007)

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The book Nine Layers of Sky was written by author Here you can read free online of Nine Layers of Sky book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Nine Layers of Sky a good or bad book?
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A cold shower spattered her face and she looked up to see a woman’s head flying across the vault. Its eyes were empty and its hair streamed out behind it like molten metal. It struck the wall and exploded into shards and fragments that spiraled away through the air.A hand clasped Elena’s wrist and hauled her to her feet, so that she stood in a ringing silence. She looked numbly at the man who stood before her with a bloodied sword in his hand. A gleam of sunlight shot through the glass doors of ...the market. Elena backed against the wall.“Dear God, what was that? And who are you?”To her immense relief, the stranger lowered the sword.“It’s all right,” he said quickly. “I’m not going to hurt you.”“I think you just saved my life,” Elena said. Her voice was shaking. What kind of person went around with a sword in his hand? It looked like an antique. “And what was that thing ?”Her rescuer started to cough, leaning back against the wall, with a hand pressed to his chest.

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