No Clue

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They hold a coroner's inquest in my parlour. They're in there now--live people like ravens, and one dead one. Theycheat the undertaker to plague me. They wreck me all over again. Theygive me a new exhaustion of the nerves. They frighten my daughter todeath. --Jarvis, the smelling salts. Shattered saints, Jarvis! Hurry!Thanks. --They rig up lies which, Tom Wilton, my old and trusted friend, tells me, will incriminate Berne Webster. They sit around a corpse in myhouse and chatter by the hour. You... come in here and make Jarvis nearlyblind me.
"And, then, then, by the holy, agile angels! you think you have topersuade me it's a serious business! Never fear! I know it!--Jarvis, the bromide, quick! Before I know it, they'll drive me toopiates. --Serious business! Shrivelled and shrinking saints!" Arms clasped around his legs, knees pressed against his chin, Mr. Sloanetrembled and shook until Jarvis, more agile than the angels of whom hisemployer had spoken, gave him the dose of bromides.
Still, Mr.

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