No Marriage of Convenience

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No Marriage of Convenience
Elizabeth Boyle
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Cousin Felicity wailed as she burst into his study. “I had nothing to do with this! Nothing!”
The total of the long column of numbers he had almost finished tallying slipped away, fleeing his mind as if frightened away by Cousin Felicity’s histrionics.
He buried his face in his hands and shook his head. This was what he got for thinking he could take control of his life.
“Oh, Mason,” she wailed. “This is a disaster.”
He sighed. Now what?
Cousin Felicity rushed to his side, handkerchief in hand.
...“What could I do?” she whispered. She glanced at the door, her fingers plucking at the linen square. “She came to call. I couldn’t have Belton send her away—especially since she came with him, and now what are we to do with them?”
Mason was afraid to ask. “Who came, Cousin?”
“Lord Ashlin,” an imperious voice called from the foyer below. “Where are your manners? One does not keep a lady of my advanced age idling about one’s foyer like some tradesman.”
Mason cringed at each strident note.

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