Old Humphreys Addresses

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Old Humphreys Addresses
1787 1854 Old Humphrey
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78, visited you ? and can it be said by you and your household, "The Lord of hosts hath visited his flock, " verily, " God hath visited his people ?" v 2 PERHAPS YOU WILL THINK OF IT, WHILE eating my mid-day meal, a sudden feeHng of thankfulness came upon me, as I called to mind the unceasing regularity with which my wants were supplied. In the frozen climes of the north, the half-famished Indian had, doubtless, wandered far for food ; in the sultry regions of the east, the Arab must have roame...d over spacious tracts in quest of water ; while bread had con- stantly been given me, and water had been sure. It was a customary thing to have a table spread before me, but it was an unusual thing for me to feel truly thankful. Do you ever pass days, weeks, and months, without feeling your heart glow with gratitude for your daily food 1 What if the Father of mercies were to send a constant dearth, wherein there should never be sufficient earing and harvest again for ever ! He might do this : the very thought is enough to make us value our bits and drops.

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