One Night Scandal

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The book One Night Scandal was written by author Here you can read free online of One Night Scandal book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is One Night Scandal a good or bad book?
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Never a fan of thunderstorms, she wrapped her arms around Nicholas. Hearing his heartbeat in her ear calmed her irrational fears.
“It’s just a small storm,” he whispered in her ear.
“I know. Just not one of my favorite things.” Sophie smiled against his chest. “Although, I don’t mind so much with you here.”
“I’ll keep you safe, Sophie.”
She wondered if that was possible. Almost every night for the past week they’d met in her house and made glorious love. Many of those nights, they would talk unt the pink rays of dawn slowly crossed the sky. They wouldn’t be able to keep this up much longer. Gossip was bound to happen.
Sophie almost laughed at that excuse. She paid her servants extremely well not to speak of her private affairs. But she might need to use it as a reason to keep Nicholas away. Already, her heart was becoming involved when she had made a promise that love would not come between them. A promise she forced him to make.
How would it look if she suddenly decided she loved him?

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