One Snowy Night

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The book One Snowy Night was written by author Here you can read free online of One Snowy Night book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is One Snowy Night a good or bad book?
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At least nothing else can go wrong today, thought Miss Rebecca Foster as she made her way up the stairs of the coaching inn, a lighted candle in her hand. And thank goodness for that!
The freezing cold day in the January of 1814 had been full of trials and tribulations. In the morning Rebecca’s companion, Miss Biddulph, had been taken ill and Rebecca, whose journey was urgent, had had to leave her in the care of a local apothecary.
Then Rebecca’s coach had become stuck in a snow drift, delaying
...her so badly that she had been forced to seek a room at an inn, instead of travelling on to her aunt and uncle’s house in London.
She had taken the last room, and as it was very cold she had told her maid to leave the unpacking until a fire had been lit and the room had warmed through. Then she had retired to the parlour for something to eat, and now she was looking forward to returning to a cheery glow and settling down for the night.
She reached the top of the stairs and turned along the corridor, glad of the flickering candle which lit her way.

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