One Week As Lovers

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The book One Week As Lovers was written by author Here you can read free online of One Week As Lovers book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is One Week As Lovers a good or bad book?
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What reading level is One Week As Lovers book?
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Those starbursts were absorbed by the flat darkness of tarnished silver and copper.
    For a moment, for one glorious, joyous moment, his heart floated, buoyed by its own desires.
    And then the sparkle of the gold lost its enchantment, and more details began to filter past his vision. The thick wooden walls of the chest, compressing the space inside to a few square inches. The relative scarcity of gold coins in comparison to silver.
    But still…it was treasure.
    Cynthia met his gaze, he
...r eyes half excitement and half doubt.
    Lancaster offered her a smile, eager to keep the hope alive for both of them. “We found it.”
    “We did.”
    “They look like old guineas.”
    “They do.” She raised her hand, and then dropped it for a brief moment before reaching to touch the coins.
    “You have your treasure.”

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