Orchids Their Structure History Culture

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Orchids Their Structure History Culture
Lewis Castle
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J. Veitch & Sons, there is still an ample field for investigators, and many gentlemen have turned their attention to the matter in recent years.. In any attempt of the kind care must be exercised to prevent the intended seed-bearer being fertilised from any other source, both before and after the desired cross has been made. This may be effected by tying a piece of gauze round the flower when it is expanded, also removing its own pollinia.
Orchidists have abundance of enem
...ies to contend with, for the plants are subject to the attacks of many insects ; but in this, as in other cases, prevention is better than cure, and a continual watch- fulness for the first appearance of these pests and the adoption of prompt measures will save endless trouble. It is important to insure that the plants purchased are thoroughly clean, and if there be any doubt on the matter they should be well washed with tepid water and a small quantity of softsoap, sufficient to discolour the water, this being especially necessary for imported plants, the roots of which should also be washed in clean water.

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