Penetrate: a Bad Boy Sports Romance (Alpha Athletes)

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The book Penetrate: a Bad Boy Sports Romance (Alpha Athletes) was written by author Here you can read free online of Penetrate: a Bad Boy Sports Romance (Alpha Athletes) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Penetrate: a Bad Boy Sports Romance (Alpha Athletes) a good or bad book?
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I was breathless and hungry for more as Pierce deposited me on the tiny bed. I couldn’t believe this was happening, but at the same time every sensation in my body told me this was more than real. It was the kind of thing that happened in fantasies. Men like Pierce weren’t the kind of men to take their time and kiss with devastating passion—yet he did. Men like Pierce weren’t supposed to notice the details—yet he did. Men like Pierce didn’t make sure their partner was as turned on as he was—yet ...he did. It all seemed like a surreal dream.
    The rain beat against the window and it felt as if he and I were in our own secret world. One where the Olympics didn’t exist. One where it didn’t matter what teams we were on. One where a night together was the best idea I’d ever had. One where our secret was the fuel to our fire.
    I looked into his eyes, hooded with lust and a craving for me that I’d never seen from another man. It made my core do a triple somersault as if something epic was about to happen.

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Penetrate: a Bad Boy Sports Romance (Alpha Athletes)
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