Phoebe And Ernest

Cover Phoebe And Ernest
Phoebe And Ernest
Inez Haynes Irwin
The book Phoebe And Ernest was written by author Here you can read free online of Phoebe And Ernest book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Phoebe And Ernest a good or bad book?
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" Mrs. Martin said, appearing suddenly in the door- way. " I didn't hear you stir. And how tired you look! I shouldn't think you'd closed your eyes. Isn't this a beautiful day? So warm — and it looked so much like rain last night. Happy the bride the sun Just think, Edward, the expressmen never came for the furniture in Phoebe's room until this moment, although they promised they'd be here last night and we waited for them until nearly eleven o'clock. Why is it that people have no honor about s...uch things? Phoebe's been so worried for fear they wouldn't come at all. She would get up, al- though I did my best to make her stay in bed. It was all I could do to keep her from going down to the house to see that the furniture was put in the I, Phoebe, Take Thee, Toland 217 right places. I told her it would be perfectly inde- cent for her to appear out to-day. Finally, Ernie said he'd ride down with the load. Phoebe drew up a plan where everything was to go and she made Ernie promise he'd mop up after the expressmen — she's crazy for fear they'll track her lovely floors all up.

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