Picturesque Representations of the Dress And Manners of the Austrians

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Picturesque Representations of the Dress And Manners of the Austrians
William Alexander
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, by mines. , forests. , and the different manufactures in this country, almost all the peasants in it being serfs, the despondency and apathy attendant on bondage keep up in Bohemia a great number of beggars and vagabonds. The Bohemian represented in this Plate is one of those wretched serfs : his clothes show his poverty, and are much the same as those of the beggars in every country.
23 ? Junei^&JS, brJ. Mitrrait. JlbanaHe > PLATE XXIII. A BOHEMIAN WOMAN.
IN French the appellation of Bohemia
...n is not only applied to the inhabitants of Bohemia, but to Gypsies, a kind of well known vagabonds dispersed through almost all the countries of Europe, over which they travel in small gangs, telling fortunes, and dexterously pilfering whatever they can lay their hands upon. They are called Gypsies or Egyptians, from being supposed to be the descendants of the ancient vagabonds of Egypt, who were driven out of that country by the Emperor Selim, in the beginning of the sixteenth century, when he subdued it.

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Picturesque Representations of the Dress And Manners of the Austrians
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