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Ye are the light of the world. He was a burning and a shining light. Among whom ye shine as lights in the world." XNTENSE and pure the whiteness lay, As 'twere the sudden glare of day, Along the wall suffused and bright With radiance of electric light ; And candle-flames that rose between Cast only shadows on the scene, As if their light were but a shade Upon the brighter lustre laid : Lights, 1 9 Which when I saw, the chemist's art Taught a sweet lesson to my heart : For even so, Lord Christ, ...in Thee The pure white '' h'ght of light " we see : And while abroad the radiance streams.
If Thy disciples' duller beams Look dim and dusky, still they shine With light that is akin to Thine ; Nor would I wonder or complain As if their ministry were vain.
But with them worship Thee, and say, THOU art more luminous than they.
^T^HERE lay a man of worth and service rare Shrouded and coffined in the house of prayer, And Christian ministers their tributes paid, Sincere and generous, to the honored dead.

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