Poems And Plays

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But I will not re- pay kindness with injury. Mother Ingeborg knows that it is best for me to go. MOTHER INGEBORG: You are more generous than we, Helga. We do not want you to go, any of us, but, perhaps for a time there will be some way later, I am sure, for you to return to us. HELGA: Good bye, Mother Ingeborg. Good bye, Gudmund. [She shakes hands with Mother Ingeborg and offers her hand to Gudmund, who refuses to shake it. ] GUDMUND [hotly]: I won't have it so, I tell you. Mother, why don't yo...u tell her she must stay? HELGA [quietly] : I will not stay, Gudmund, not even if Mother Ingeborg should bid me to. Good bye. [She turns, as if to go. ] MOTHER INGEBORG: Do not go now, my child. You must not walk all that long way. The master will drive you home this afternoon, after our guests have gone. And he will pay you your wages for the month. HELGA: It is kind of you, but I am well able to walk. MOTHER INGEBORG: Let him drive you, Helga. It is so little we can do he will carry with him flax enough for six tablecloths and six dozen napkins, which you must weave for me.

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