Practical Farming; a Plain book On Treatment of the Soil And Crop Production;

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Starch, which we have seen is the starting point of materials for building, and the storage form of plant food, cannot be abundantly made for phosphoric acid to convey to the grain as plant food, unless sufficient potash be available.
Though the combination in which potash is applied to the soil may be perfectly soluble in the soil water, the absorptive power of a good loamy or clay soil is such Plant Food in the Soil 87 that it will retain the potash from a combination hke chlo- ride of potash
... while the chlorine may be leached away.
That is, the absorptive power of the soil is such that it will rob a complete solution of the mineral elements and keep them till some plant roots need them.
Lime exists in rocks and in the shells of marine shell- fish as the carbonate of calcium. By burning the rocks or shells we get the oxide, and this, rapidly slaked with water, makes a hydrated lime which is still quite caustic and active, but rapidly returns on exposure to the air to the more insoluble form of the carbonate.

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Practical Farming; a Plain book On Treatment of the Soil And Crop Production;
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