Practical Research Work in Photoplay Writing

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Practical Research Work in Photoplay Writing
Adeline M Alvord
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13. Less than a week ago my attention was called to a story, the entire action of which was laid in California. This began in an interesting way and proceeded admirably in every respect until the situation immediately preceding the big climax was reached. The suspense had been well organized and excellently sustained, and I was held com- pletely in the spell of the thing, when the hero and hero- ine, seeking to escape from an evil pursuer, were overtaken by a storm. Peering through the trees, t
...hey saw the unmistakable conically shaped cloud that denoted an approaching tornado. Fortunately a cyclone cellar was at hand, and they hastily hid in it. This cyclone cellar and its contents were perfectly described. The pursuer was about to enter it, and murder seemed imminent, when a bolt of lightning struck him and he was instantlv killed. Had the scene been laid in Kansas, this would not have been at all improbable, but California has neither cyclones nor cyclone cellars in the foothills of the Sierras, and fatal strokes of lightning are so infrequent as to be almost unheard of in the Golden State.

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Practical Research Work in Photoplay Writing
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